What is Circumcision? Laser Treatment in Noida
Laser circumcision is an alternative to traditional circumcision procedures. This is when the foreskin of the penis is surgically removed. The loose skin that covers the tip of the penis is known as t...
What is Varicose vein? Laser treatment in Noida
Varicose veins are swollen (dilated) and convoluted veins that run just beneath the surface of the skin, generally on the thigh, and are often visible due to their thick, knobbly appearance. They may...
What is Piles or Hemorrhoids? Laser Treatment in Noida
Piles relate to swelling or lump development near the anus. Internal Hemorrhoids are caused by increased pressure on internal hemorrhoidal veins, which results in venous inflammation. External...
Located in the groin, between the lower abdomen and thigh, an inguinal hernia is a protrusion of the groin wall. There is a weakening of the lower abdominal muscles that leads to inguinal hernias.
The intestines are shielded by three layers in the l...